If you become incapable to work for an extended period of time due to an injury or illness, long-term disability (LTD) benefits provide you with monthly income replacement. Many companies provide LTD benefits to their staff which are usually included in their group benefit plans which employees rely on as a safety net if they have health problems.
Don't let long-term disabilites ruin your life!
Long Term Disability policies can be very intricate and confusing. Additionally, letters from insurance companies can comprise of vague or unclear wording. Our lawyers can help you understand your policy and your rights to any benefits. Often insurance companies will deny your long-term disability benefits, for a number of reasons often using restrictive definitions to their advantage. Our lawyers will also fight vigorously to prove your disability and to compel the insurance company to either reinstate the disability benefits or pay out a settlement on your claim.
Let Neumann & Associates represent YOU WITH YOUR LONG-TERM DISABILITY CLAIM.
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